Laurelyn and her friend Addison fly off to Sydney Australia for winter. They will be staying with Addison's brother Ben, who apparently has a crush on Laurelyn. She has no interest in Ben in that manner. She is just getting out of a bad relationship and is in no rush to get into another.
Jack MacLachlan is a wealthy bachelor, happy with his freedom. He enjoys short term "relationships" with carefully selected women. Stipulations include not using real names and no personal information. These relationship usually last roughly 4 weeks; this time it will be 3 months. He finds himself in the same bar on the same night that Laurelyn and her friends, and believes he has found his next mate. He falls in lust with her voice while singing on karaoke night.
He pursues her, propositions her, and she eventually agrees. But she is nothing like all the other women he has done this with. She challenges him, keeps him on his toes. They find themselves falling in love with each other but wont admit it to either. Love wasn't part of the deal. Three fantastic months together and they split - no strings attached, no further contact. Somewhere along the way that contract was broken. ...