Dmytryk and Cora loose their jobs in the auto industry during "the great recession". They are barely living paycheck to paycheck doing legal work, when Cora introduces Dmytryk to a man who can help them put quick money in their pockets.
After a job or two, Cora runs out on Dmytryk and his new goal is to earn enough quick money to find his wife and bring her back. What he finds in the end is something that breaks his heart and but considering the circumstances...he keeps it moving.
By the end of the story I was basically exhausted from listening to it, so I think the last few chapters are "dreams" of the ending of the last jobs. But in the end, he got what he always wanted before Cora left them.
I found this book to be more entertaining than I thought. I may have to revisit more of Mr. Dickey's current books.